
Monday, January 5, 2015

Happy New Year & Story Orgy Monday...

Happy Story Orgy Monday!

The pretty Happy New Year picture up there *points up* Well, I was supposed to post that 5 days yeah...thank god I didn't make a New Year's Resolution to blog on a regular basis on time...smh...and please don't let that be a sign as to how my blogging year will turn out either...lmao!

Okay, this is the new year and I'm gonna try real freaking hard to post a snippet every Monday – but that doesn't mean I'm doing a continuing story every week...I might...I might not. It just depends on what the voices in my head agree to.

This week I'm cheating—kinda—by giving you the first part of my book I'm working on. I was able to fit the prompt in so it isn't a full fledged cheating...just a kinda type of cheating lol...hope you enjoy – this should be released as a solo book (the first of a trilogy) real soon. :)

Prompt:  All of my observations are sarcasm-based.

And now for your reading pleasure...

Chance at Trust
copyright © 2015 Havan Fellows
Embry Litten held the coffee house door open for Joss Leer, his best friend and local gossipmonger. Too bad the gossip he determined to spread that day was entirely about Em.
"I'm just saying dude, the monk lifestyle is getting old. Come on, it's been two years. Two years of nothing but self gratification is a long time, and you're too much of a cutie to be going it alone every single ti—"
"That's enough." Em hissed in Joss's ear.
After twenty years of being best friends, Em couldn't even feign surprise over the very loud lack of tact Joss showed, but what could he do? The same twenty years proved them to be more family than friends, and just like an annoying brother, no matter how much Em didn't like Joss right now he still loved the damn infuriating man...
...that everyone in Bean There Drank That evidently heard and found amusing.
Oh this proved promising.
People glanced over their mugs, or croissants, or newspapers to check the self gratifier out, smirking and quickly averting their gazes when Em caught them peeping, as if they were privy to some deep dark hush-hush secret.
Come to think of it, they kind of were now – than again on the flip side the same event that let them in on the secret made it not a secret anymore. Semantics?
Either way, none of it mattered. If Embry wanted people to know his celibacy state he would've tattooed it across his forehead—but hey, who needs the pain and torture of a tattoo needle bumping against their skull when they had a Joss at their beck and call, all too willing to provide an even more deliberate pain and torture.
"This conversation is officially over." Em hissed in his best friend's ear. "Uh uh uh..." Em cut off any response Joss thought to come up with when his mouth opened. "Over." Em reaffirmed as they continued to the counter.
"Fine." Joss pouted.
"And if you do anything to get us kicked out of here before I get my coffee, so help me god I will tell your mother."
Joss's shocked look was an Oscar worthy performance. "When have I ever done anything so scandalous?"
Em raised his eyebrow. Did Joss really try to play the innocent card? He ticked off occasions on his fingers. "Oh let's see...the skating rink on my thirteenth birthday. The mall when we went to get those boots you just had to have for your prom date with Troy. Old Man Butler's house on Halloween. The Donut Shoppe every other morning on our walk to high school. Disney World during our vacation..."
Running out of fingers, Em took a breath then switched hands to continue with his countdown, but Joss waved him to a halt.
"Come on, we were kids! We're in our thirties now. I'm all growned up, my mommy even said so." It was almost cute how Joss puffed out his chest with pride.
"Disney was last year, and don't give me that crap you didn't know you weren't allowed to paw Pluto...which by the way is actually a woman in that costume."
"Really? Damn, talk about false advertising. I knew I shoulda gone after Aladdin, he enjoyed the wiggle I put in my walk."
"You're calling the blisters you suffered that day a wiggle in your walk?"
"Hey! I owned those blisters...and Aladdin liked it. Anyway, are all your observations sarcasm based? Isn't that my role in our friendship?"
Em's comeback was cut short by the most amazing sound in the world. A deep chuckle floated into Em's body through every pore and intoxicated him better than a gallon of his uncle's moonshine could do.
The most amazing baritone followed the soul clenching chuckle. "What can I get you two?"
Reminiscent to one of those telling scenes in a horror movie when the character suddenly realizes the big bad is behind him and slow motion occurs when he turns to look over his shoulder. Em looked behind him to see who could possibly stand up to owning that voice.
Oh shit, he wasn't disappointed.
The barista behind the counter looked more like a mountain than a man. His sheer height impressed, but when added to his wide shoulders and thick chest he was formidable. If he was only massive Em might've been able to drool a little then move on with his life, but the man had more going for him than his size. He had a few hairs—not a lot, just enough—escape the "V" of his button down forest green shirt that begged for Em to curl his fingers in them, playfully tug on them. The light brown hair was smattered with a deeper, sexy gray that matched the stubble of his beard and mustache. Em figured he would have five o'clock shadow no matter what time of day, and god that idea heated up his loins. The perfectly shaped lips encased in the rough looking stubble tilted up in a knowing smirk.
Even though Em's first instinct was to run and hide, he had to see the rest, had to know what color eyes were probably laughing at him with that smile. It was a short distance up from those lips to his final destination and... Green. He stood there and stared into bottomless emerald green eyes.
If the eyes were indeed the gateway to a person's soul, than this man had the brightest, deepest soul ever.
Em could imagine being conquered by this mountain, being made to enjoy the physical aspect of living and loving he had all but banished from his life.

The fun is never over with just one turn – we are the Story Orgy remember *big grin* – so head on over to the next pleasure blog and enjoy multiples with us . . .
Lee Brazil's story: click here
Hank Edwards' story: click here

1 comment:

  1. OMG ... I'm so late on reading this, but I love it! We all know a Joss. Sigh...
